I smell a potential SHAFT event…

Next Tuesday, October 27th, the documentary Collision: Is Christianity Good for the World? will be released. It follows noted atheist writer Christopher Hitchens and his rhetorical punching bag, Pastor Douglas Wilson. These two personalities have debated each other across the country, and the best of those debates have been distilled into this critically-acclaimed documentary.

I’ve ordered a copy of the documentary. If it gets here in time, we may watch it for next week’s social. I think it would make for a great joint event, as well—we could invite FOCUS, the Religious Studies Club, and the Philosophy Club. Yet another reason why this would make a great event is that I’m working on getting Hitchens to speak at USU next semester. This film may gin up some interest in and support for that effort.

Below is the trailer. Let me know what you think.

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About Jon Adams

I have my bachelors in sociology and political science, having recently graduated from Utah State University. I co-founded SHAFT, but have also been active in the College Democrats and the Religious Studies Club. I was born in Utah to a loving LDS family. I left Mormonism in high school after discovering some disconcerting facts about its history. Like many ex-Mormons, I am now an agnostic atheist. I am amenable to being wrong, however. So should you disagree with me about religion (or anything, really), please challenge me. I welcome and enjoy a respectful debate. I love life, and am thankful for those things and people that make life worth loving: my family, my friends, my dogs, German rock, etc. Contact: [email protected]

One thought on “I smell a potential SHAFT event…

  1. This sounds like a great activity. Although I’ve enjoyed the lectures that have been given during the past few meetings, I especially enjoy joining with other campus organizations and the discussions that happen after the main events.

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