Identical in every way, just one-eighth his sizes

Raptorex_TrexBow down to the King of Thieves!

I always get really excited about new dinosaur fossils, and this one is particularly special. Raptorex is probably also the best scientific name ever given out. It has the same general proportions as the full-sized Trex–large menacing head and jaws, tiny hilarious arms–but at a much smaller (although still human-sized!) scale. This demonstrates that the Tyrannosaur body plan was successful at sizes other than Enormous.

Walking around with one of these on a leash would seriously impress the ladies.

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About James Patton

I'm a computer science senior at Utah State, graduating in December 2010, becoming a first-generation university graduate. I'm a co-founder of SHAFT and am off-again on-again active in USU's Linux Club and the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery, a professional organization for computer science). I'm getting increasingly nervous about what to do after graduation, but I'd like to start a software company, and my dream job is making video games for my own studio. I suppose I could say I was "raised atheist", but it honestly never occurred to me until around high school. I grew up in Cache Valley and so am of course familiar with the Mormon church, but my mom never took me to a church, and encouraged me to explore different ideas and make up my own mind. What ended up happening was that I discovered Asimov and Clarke and Sagan, and that was that. My hobbies include voracious reading, gaming (digital, tabletop, whatever), programming, and at one point playing jazz and rock tenor sax (buying a new sax is one of the biggest reasons I need to finish college).

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