Ex-general authority George P. Lee dies

Former LDS General Authority George P. Lee passed away today in Provo at the age of 67.

You’re probably wondering “Who’s that?” and “Why should I care?” In 1975, George P. Lee was called by Spencer W. Kimball to be a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy. This is significant, because Lee was the first (and only) Native American general authority. In 1989, Lee was excommunicated for “apostasy and other conduct unbecoming a member of the Church.” This too is significant, because Lee was the first general authority to be excommunicated since 1943, when Apostle Richard R. Lyman was excommunicated for practicing polygamy.

Lee’s “unbecoming conduct” refers to his attempted molestation of a 12-year-old girl. But of more interest to me–from a Mormon studies perspective—is the charge of apostasy. Lee was upset that President Ezra Taft Benson was phasing out the LDS Church’s Indian Placement Program.

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Is Apple a religion?

Jesus. Siddhārtha Gautama. Joseph Smith. Muhammad. Steve Jobs?

Two professors at Texas A&M University argued in a research paper published this month that Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, is effectively the founder of a new religion—the cult of Mac. From Fox News:

“The religious-like behavior and language surrounding Apple devotion/fandom is an example of ‘implicit religion,’” Prof. Heidi Campbell, one of the authors of the study, told FoxNews.com. Implicit religion can happen when the use of, say, technology becomes a substitute for belief and behaviors once attached to religion and religious practice, she said.

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Humanizing the Westboro Baptist Church

The other day, I stumbled upon this video about a young woman who was kicked out of the Westboro Baptist Church and her family for asking too many questions. Very heartbreaking. (The WBC is probably familiar to most of you. Its members protest soldiers’ funerals and preach that “God hates fags” and, well, everyone else who doesn’t belong to their church.)

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Link bomb #2

An Oregon couple has been indicted on criminal charges for deliberately withholding medical care from their child who has serious eye problem. The parents felt prayer was sufficient.

Relatedly, many Christians are praying for Christopher Hitchens, who was recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Hitchens told an interviewer that he’s “touched by the thought.”

Religion blogger Michael Spencer predicts the coming evangelical collapse.

Horrifying: Russian Satanists found guilty of killing and eating four teenagers in a forest.

An Italian newspaper has hidden camera footage of three Catholic priests at a gay night party.

Someone was kind enough to compile a thorough timeline of the LDS Church’s involvement in anti-gay marriage politics.

My friend Zach argues that his fellow Mormons should have a more expansive view of the U.S. Constitution.

A journalist is arrested in Maldives on the suspicion that he’s an atheist and homosexual.

Sunstone, an independent Mormon magazine, has a fantastic two-part series on Glenn Beck called “Rough Stone Roaring.”

For the curious, you can listen to an audio recording of the LDS temple endowment ceremony.

Dr. Kenneth Howell of the University of Illinois was dismissed for discussing a natural law argument against homosexuality in a Catholic studies course. The school’s atheist club has come to his defense.

Augusta State University grad student Jennifer Keeton may face a similar fate. She claims she was told to alter her religious beliefs about homosexuality or be expelled.

Want a handy guide to debating theists for your iPhone or iTouch?  There’s an app for that.

The Guardian reports that thousands of British girls will undergo genital mutilation this summer despite tough laws.

Florida church to burn Qurans on 9/11

Atheists were divided over “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day,” but I think we should unanimously and unequivocally denounce “International Burn a Quran Day.”

Look, there’s nothing wrong with criticizing the Quran for its violent verses. But it’s the height of hypocrisy for evangelical Christians to be making those criticisms, when they excuse the violence and other Bronze Age barbarities in their own holy book.

More info about this church and its book-burning event here.

Introducing Alvin Plantinga

Alvin Plantinga is a philosopher and Protestant theologian from the University of Notre Dame. The bulk of his philosophical corpus has been in defense of Christianity.

Plantinga retired from Notre Dame earlier this year, so a lot of people are discussing his legacy. I’m in no position to assess his legacy, but I know that he’s a huge name and that we ought to be better acquainted with his philosophy.

Here, I will only present two of his most famous arguments: the free will defense and the evolutionary argument against naturalism.

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