Chimps grieve over dead loved ones

These videos and picture are among the most beautiful things I have ever seen—they really speak to the transhumanist in me. As learn more about other animals, we are constantly having to redefine what makes us humans unique.

The second clip is from the PBS documentary Ape Genius. Watch it, and watch it soon.

And finally, here is a haunting picture of chimps mourning the death of their friend “Dorothy.”

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About Jon Adams

I have my bachelors in sociology and political science, having recently graduated from Utah State University. I co-founded SHAFT, but have also been active in the College Democrats and the Religious Studies Club. I was born in Utah to a loving LDS family. I left Mormonism in high school after discovering some disconcerting facts about its history. Like many ex-Mormons, I am now an agnostic atheist. I am amenable to being wrong, however. So should you disagree with me about religion (or anything, really), please challenge me. I welcome and enjoy a respectful debate. I love life, and am thankful for those things and people that make life worth loving: my family, my friends, my dogs, German rock, etc. Contact: [email protected]

3 thoughts on “Chimps grieve over dead loved ones


  2. Hebrew language recognizes the soulishness of some animals (mammals in particular). The human aspect might be the position of ‘lord-ness’. We have a somewhat unique position in the world that allows us to increase or decrease The Good in the garden. Other than that, there may be only a very little difference.

  3. Actually in classical Theology you can’t have a living being without a Soul. The idea that Animals lack a Soul is entirely modern. Even though Thomas Aquinas believed hey had only a Material Soul and not an Immortal Soul, he still said they had a Soul.

    The Soul is just a life force, not something special only Humans have. Without a Soul, you are not alive.

    That said not all Christians, Jews, or Muslims believe Humans are all that Unique in terms of Souls. Francis of Assisi comes to mind.

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