The top 15 SHAFT posts of 2010

With the end of the year only weeks away, it’s time for some retrospection. Of the total 273 posts that were written in 2010, here are my favorite 15:

Humean, all too Humean: The Problem of Induction

God is hiding

LDS leader look-a-likes

Why Mormons should be thankful Third Nephi is not history

Bad atheist arguments

An evolutionary view of morality

Deutero-Isaiah in the Book of Mormon

LDS teachings on sex are contradictory and untenable

Sisters in Zion

Extremism in the Muslim world

The difficulty defining Mormon doctrine

The long road out

BYU censors letter to the editor critical of Prop 8

My apology to Pastor Ted Haggard

A 1984 conference talk gets an Orwellian makeover

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About Jon Adams

I have my bachelors in sociology and political science, having recently graduated from Utah State University. I co-founded SHAFT, but have also been active in the College Democrats and the Religious Studies Club. I was born in Utah to a loving LDS family. I left Mormonism in high school after discovering some disconcerting facts about its history. Like many ex-Mormons, I am now an agnostic atheist. I am amenable to being wrong, however. So should you disagree with me about religion (or anything, really), please challenge me. I welcome and enjoy a respectful debate. I love life, and am thankful for those things and people that make life worth loving: my family, my friends, my dogs, German rock, etc. Contact: [email protected]

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