The SHAFT blog has been nominated in six categories in this year’s Brodie Awards. Last year, we won two Brodies–one for “Best Humor Piece”, and the other for “Best New Blog”.
Here are this year’s nominated SHAFT posts and their respective categories:
LDS leader look-a-likes — “Funniest Humor Piece”
My bishop: “Masturbation leads to homosexuality” — “Best Chat with Church Leader”
BYU censors letter to the editor critical of Prop 8 — “Best News Reporting”
My apology to Pastor Ted Haggard — “Best Religion-and-Homosexuality Discussion”
This is your brain on god — “Best Science Piece”
Gordon B. Hinckley and the downplaying of Mormon peculiarity — “Best LDS Church Watch”
We are winning in four of those categories, and are competitive in the other two. Please consider voting not only for this site, but for all the other Mormon/ex-Mormon blogs you wish to recognize.
Vote here, and vote soon.
Thanks again for your continued support.