
The Bylaws of Secular Humanists, Atheists, and Free Thinkers

Article I- About the Bylaws
Note: this section is the same as Article VII, Section 1 of the SHAFT Constitution.
(a) The Big Five shall establish Bylaws, a document to govern the organization in combination with the Constitution.
(b) The Bylaws shall specify details about the Big Five’s decision-making process, the handling of finances, additional duties not given to the Officers in the Constitution, additional     Officer Positions not described in the Constitution, etc.
(c) The Bylaws shall have the same binding power as the Constitution, but may not conflict with or supersede it.
(d) The Bylaws may be amended at any time by consensus of the Big Five.
(e) Bylaws must be publicly posted for the general membership.

Article II- Officers
(a) The Big Five shall consist of the Advertising Officer, the Public Relations Officer, the Finance Officer, the Activities Officer, and the Administrative Officer.
(b) Quorum

a. A quorum must be present to conduct official business.
b. A quorum consists of not less than three of the five members of the Big Five.

(c) Advertising Officer

a. Recruit and manage the Advertising Committee to assist with publicity tasks.
b. Manage reservations, scheduling, and staffing for tabling.
c. Ensure that the table is well supplied by creating, ordering, and reprinting materials.
d. Create advertising materials (flyers, posters, internet and newspaper ads etc.)
e. Publicize SHAFT and its activities in a variety of ways, including (but not limited to):

i. Flyering and chalking in accordance with University policy.
ii. Reserving and posting in the display cases.
iii. Paid advertisements in print, internet, and other media.
iv. The Statesmen,, and other free events calendars.
v. Internet Presence.

f. Coordinate publicity efforts with the Webmaster.
g. Coordinate SHAFT participation in the following University activities:
i. Homecoming Activities

ii. Street painting
iii. Parades
iv. Aggie Week of Welcome (WOW)
v. Christmas Tree Lane
vi. A-Day

h. Works closely with the Public Relations Officer to enact comprehensive publicity strategies.
i. Evaluate the efficacy of publicity efforts.

j. Participate in the required meetings of the Activities Committee.

(d) Public Relations Officer

a. Recruit and manage the Publishing and Editing Committee.
b. Appoint a Webmaster to manage SHAFT’s online presence.
c. Work to build a positive public image of SHAFT.
d. Organize appearances on and coverage by local media outlets.
e. Networking with the following to raise awareness of SHAFT and its events:

i. Outside student and non-student organizations
ii. Newspapers and other media outlets
iii. University departments

f. Keep friendly and affiliated organizations current on SHAFT’s activities.
g. Nominate SHAFT for outside awards when appropriate.
h. Work closely with the Advertising Officer to enact comprehensive publicity strategies.
i. Participate in the required meetings of the Activities Committee.
j. Attend the Monthly CSCO meetings. These meetings are held the third Thursday of every month.

(e) Finance Officer

a. Recruit and manage the Ways and Means Committee.
b. Financial Management

i. Balance SHAFT’s budget.
ii. Pay all bills and debts promptly.
iii. Deposit income into SHAFT’s bank account.
iv. Keep detailed records of all expenses and earnings.
v. Authorize necessary expenses.
vi. Execute the planned yearly budget.
vii. Perform other duties of similar scope as required.

c. Fund Raising

i. Write requests for grants.
ii. Suggest creative ways to raise money.
iii. Submit the Student Services Fees application each year.
iv. Participate in hearings related to Student Services Fees, grants, and fundraising.

d. Records

i. Provide records of expenditures on request.
ii. Organize all paper and electronic records in an intuitive and accessible manner.
e. Participate in the required meetings of the Activities Committee.

(f) Activities Officer

a. Recruit and manage the Activities Committee for activities planning.
b. Recruit and manage the Welcoming Committee
c. Planning

i. Serve as the single point of contact with third parties (speakers, cosponsoring student groups, etc.) for the purposes of planning and executing events.
ii. Take initiative in brainstorming and planning quality SHAFT events.
iii. Invite speakers and organizations to participate in or cosponsor SHAFT events.
iv. Reserve venues, and complete any paperwork or meetings necessary for doing so.
v. Work with the Advertising Officer to compose titles and informational event blurbs for use in publicity.
vi. Assess members for their interests in events; facilitate member input into the planning process.

d. Facilitation

i. Work with the Finance Officer to arrange airfare, lodging, etc.
ii. Promote membership and the newsletter.

e. Welcoming

i. Prepare packets of introductory materials for distribution to visitors.
ii. Make sure meetings attendees are met and introduced, and made to feel welcome in the group.

f. Newsletter

i. Write and distribute a newsletter regularly and promptly.
ii. The newsletter shall include events, news, articles, and information.

g. Participate in the required meetings of the Activities Committee.

(g) Administrative Officer

a. Membership:

i. Maintain the SHAFT membership list and make it available to other officers.
ii. Keep detailed data on event attendance and demographics of attendance.
iii. Compile demographic information about members.

b. Notes and Archival:

i. Take notes at meetings; print, archive, and make them available electronically.
ii. Keep records of events, media coverage, etc.  Research past history as necessary.

c. Library:

i. Collect media for the library.
ii. Maintain a current list of these media, and make the list available to members.
iii. Work with the Finance Officer for purchase of new library media.
iv. Manage membership use and checkout of library media.

d. Elections:

i. Recruit and manage the Elections Committee.
ii. Enforce the constitutional provisions for annual officer elections.

e. Administration:

i. Collect and sort SHAFT’s mail.
ii. Manage office access and staffing.
iii. Delegate office maintenance tasks to office hour staffers.
iv. Maintain current registrations and affiliations.
v. Miscellaneous administrative tasks as needed.

f. Participate in the required meetings of the Activities Committee.

Article III- Committees And Appointed Officers
Officers of SHAFT shall manage, or appoint managers of, their respective standing committees. Standing committees include.
(a) Advertising Committee

a. Assists with the responsibilities of the Advertising Officer, especially flyering, chalking, contact tabling, and creation of advertising media.

(b) Ways and Means Committee

a. Develop methods of raising funds to support the budget.
b. Assist the Finance Officer with grant writing.
c. Assist the Finance Officer with the Students Services Fees funding application process.

(c) Publishing and Editing Committee

a. Endorse or approve works as representative of SHAFT.
b. Create and edit works that represent SHAFT.
c. Advise authors and artists submitting works for SHAFT representation.
d. Decide on courses of action regarding libelous or inauthentic works claiming to be representative of SHAFT.

(d) Election Committee

a. Structure
i. Minimum of two committee members
ii. Appointed by four-fifths vote of the Big Five.
iii. Committee members cannot run for office.
b. Duties
i. Conduct fair and democratic elections.
ii. Gather and count ballots.
iii. Reveal results

(e) Activities Committee

a. Develops and retains SHAFT members skilled in planning events and finding speakers.
b. The Big Five and Advisor are mandatory members. Other appointed committee members and Officers may assist the Activities Officer in planning events and contacting     prospective speakers.
c. This committee shall meet in person at least twice per semester and three times during the summer.
d. This committee shall plan weekly speakers and activities, as well as special events.
e. This committee shall prepare a preliminary schedule of events no later than one week before the start of each semester.
f. This committee shall coordinate with local freethought groups and other student organizations for co-sponsorship of events.

(f) Welcome Committee
a. Assist the Activities Officer in preparing introductory materials for distribution to visitors.
b. Assist the Activities and Advertising Officers in scheduling a table for USU’s Week of Welcome event to recruit club members.
c. Ensure meeting attendees are made to feel welcome and comfortable at all SHAFT events.
(g) Webmaster
a. Maintain a club website or other online presence (3rd Party group services, blogs, etc.).
b. The website must contain the following features:
i. A Calendar to announce club events.
ii. The current SHAFT Constitution and Bylaws for perusal by club members.
iii. Club contact information.
iv. The SHAFT Mission Statement
c. Other online features and services are to be determined by the Webmaster and The Big Five.

Article IV- Rules
(a) Candidates for office shall read the Constitution and the Bylaws. Current officers are responsible for informing candidates of this requirement.
(b) Board members must reply to all e-mail and phone communication within 48 hours, unless they have provided prior notice of extenuating circumstances.
(c) The chair of a business meeting shall distribute agendas to the Big Five at least 24 hours before the meeting start time.
(d) The Finance Officer shall present a financial report to the Big Five on the first business meeting of each month. The report must include starting and ending account balances from     the previous month, as well as a list of transactions occurring during that month.

Article V- Administrative Dismissal
(a) An Officer may be removed from office for cause by the consensus of the other members of the Big Five
(b) Cause for dismissal in this manner must include

a. Violation of the Constitution, or
b. Violation of the Bylaws.

(c) Administrative dismissal does not require impeachment proceedings, is not considered impeachment for any intents or purposes, and does not affect the dismissed officer’s     membership standing.
(d) No officer can be considered for administrative dismissal unless they have received a written or email warning from one or more members of the Big Five.
(e) The warning must indicate which specific act(s) violate the Constitution or Bylaws, and cite the appropriate section.
(f) A verbal warning at a business meeting can also fulfill this requirement, provided it is recorded in the minutes.

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