Not a big offense (marketing to Mormons), I know. But I nonetheless had a WTF moment and a laugh at seeing this ad:
Is it appropriate for a public university to advertise to a particular religious demographic? Probably not. In any case, thanks for the blog fodder Southern Utah University!
And speaking of religious marketing foul-ups, the editors of Vermont Catholic must be kicking themselves over this month’s cover.
(Hat tip to Chino Blanco for the SUU ad)
Who cares about the separation of church and state? Only Mormons live in Utah anyways! #utahisatheocracy
The thing that angers me most about this advertisement is that my tax dollars were used to create it, and to me as an atheist and exmormon I choose not to contribute any funds towards promoting the brainwashing of impressionable 19 year olds, doing so against my will violates the constitution.
I just wrote a letter to suu’s president concerning ……….my concern
I don’t see a problem here. You need to cater your advertising to your target market, and since so many in Utah are LDS, why wouldn’t they direct adds to LDS kids?
My biggest concern is that SUU will become less diverse than it already is. When the student body of a school is monolithic, the education at that school suffers.